Monday, November 23, 2009

Activity #2


Yes, because our IT workers are well trained and they study very hard for them to be a good programmer not only of that but they also study about the devices that we are using today. IT is a general term on any technology that helps to; produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and or disseminate information.IT workers performed from installation application to design complex computer networks and information database. IT workers also study the particularly software application and computer hardware. That is why they are can be a professional when its comes in the field of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. IT workers can help also to us, because they have more information about how to makes our work fast. Say for example the internet, through internet they can communicate to other country as easy as they say not only for that they also teach us how to work through computer. Through their profession they are given a information about technology we learned more about their given information as an IT Student.

Monday, November 16, 2009

IT 104 Activity #1

The situation that I could use the 7 step of Ethical dicision making is the person who run for candidates for presidential or for president.Because they will think hard if they can do their responsible if they win in this coming election.They also ask some advises to the person who is capable in the matter of the needs of the people. We all know that they should have a good character and also good background. So that the voters will vote for them,we all know also that they should show their good behavior or ethical act. The candidates for presidential also think if they can handle or to lead the Philippines.So the seven step will exist the first he/she will get more information how to manage the country and the stakeholders.So she/he will gonna evaluate his/her dicision if they will ran for being a President of our country. Same also the four Philosophical Theory.Because they will show the virtue ethic approach, utilitarin approach, faireness approach and also the common good.