The situation that I could use the 7 step of Ethical dicision making is the person who run for candidates for presidential or for president.Because they will think hard if they can do their responsible if they win in this coming election.They also ask some advises to the person who is capable in the matter of the needs of the people. We all know that they should have a good character and also good background. So that the voters will vote for them,we all know also that they should show their good behavior or ethical act. The candidates for presidential also think if they can handle or to lead the Philippines.So the seven step will exist the first he/she will get more information how to manage the country and the stakeholders.So she/he will gonna evaluate his/her dicision if they will ran for being a President of our country. Same also the four Philosophical Theory.Because they will show the virtue ethic approach, utilitarin approach, faireness approach and also the common good.