Monday, January 25, 2010


Privacy law is the area of law concerned with the protection and preservation of the privacy rights of individuals. Increasingly, governments and other public as well as private organizations collect vast amounts of personal information about individuals for a variety of purposes. The law of privacy regulates the type of information which may be collected and how this information may be used.

The scope of applicability of privacy laws is called expectation of privacy.

The Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act

The Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 (5 U.S.C. 552a(o) et seq.) amended the Privacy Act by describing the manner in which computer matching involving Federal agencies could be performed and by adding certain protections for individuals applying for and receiving Federal benefits.

As amended by the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act, the Privacy Act requires Federal agencies involved in computer matching programs to:

  1. Negotiate written agreements with the other agency or agencies participating in the matching programs;
  2. Obtain the relevant Data Integrity Boards' approval of the match agreements;
  3. Furnish detailed reports about matching programs to Congress and OMB;
  4. Notify applicants and beneficiaries that their records are subject to matching; and
  5. Verify match findings before reducing, suspending, terminating, or denying an individual's benefits or payments.
Though the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act certainly involves detailed procedures, including obscure 'Data Integrity Boards,' it is probably most notable for the fact that it institutionalizes sharing of data among federal government agencies. Information collected for one purpose may be used for different purposes by a different federal agency. Though integrity and fairness seem assured by the Act, privacy is not.♣♣♣♣♣

Activity.#3 ; WHAT IS PRIVACY?

The word "privacy" has been used to describe many concerns with the modern world. It is a complex concept even before other concerns are lumped with it. The concept of "privacy" deserves to be carefully examined. It defies easy definition, and many proposals to protect privacy have gone forward without a clear articulation of what privacy really is.

The definition of Privacy are the following;
  • the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others.
  • the condition of being concealed or hidden.
  • Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively.
  • The state of being private; the state of not being seen by others.
  • Privacy may be defined as the claim of individuals, groups or institutions to determine when, how and to what extent information about them is communicated to others.
  • Privacy is your right to control what happens with personal information about you.
For me the privacy is that you don't want to know any body else about you ,you are hidden something. Like your personal life and other matters in your life that you don't want to revealed it.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Persons committing computer crimes also may be divided in the following three big groups by the corresponding sign:
♠persons, who are not in labor relations with the victim organization, but are related to it;
♠employees of the organization that occupy responsible positions;
♠employees-users of computers that abuse their office.♥♥♥♥♥♥

The Computer Crimes
All computer criminals can be divided into the following separate groups by purposes and spheres of their activities:

1. Hackers 4.Computer Pirates
2. Crackers 5.Cyber Crow
3.Carders Pay 6.Phreaker (phone + break = phreak)


Zero -Day Attack as it is defines as:♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

A zero day attack, also known as a zero hour attack, takes advantage of computer vulnerabilities that do not currently have a solution. Typically, a software company will discover a bug or problem with a piece of software after it has been released and will offer a patch another piece of software meant to fix the original issue. A zero day attack will take advantage of that problem before a patch has been created. It is named zero day because it occurs before the first day the vulnerability is known.♣♣♣♣♦♦♦♦

This Zero day attack taking advantage to those computer vulnerabilities. So if your computer has no wall or I mean if you have no fire walls to protect your computer. For example in not a particular situation in the computer but in our life aspect. Say for instance if you have a store then in your side you have a competent of course your product will not totally "bibilhin" of the consumer unless if you will not make the price low. So in that case you are taking advantage to your competent.•••◘◘♠♠♠♠

Monday, January 4, 2010


If my friend told me about his planned to developing a worm to attack the administrative system at our college. I will gonna stop his planned about what he want to do in the administrative system, because event its harmless but it will be cause a possible problem to the work station and to those person who was affected in this matter if possible will be happen. But as long as you their to give advice and to be aware him about the possible problem.There is no to be bother about.


If I will be hired as the IT Security Consultant to fix the security problem at the manufacturing company as soon as possible I will start to fix those problem.Given time and 90 days and given the money which is 1Million Dollar to be expend.But its hard because you do not know whose company or people is the irresponsible to make or to have an illegal access to secure or to control your business or the company,and destroy the trust of the costumer and also the supplier .The first thing that I will do is ask a help or hired an expert in computer or internet to easily to have a companion so that it will be fast to solve the problem.I will gonna anti hacking or blocking it so that it will be never control again by the hacker.The company must be aware about this thing or this internet crime but if the company will be not in security they might possible that they will be hacking again or the illegal access.