Monday, January 25, 2010

Activity.#3 ; WHAT IS PRIVACY?

The word "privacy" has been used to describe many concerns with the modern world. It is a complex concept even before other concerns are lumped with it. The concept of "privacy" deserves to be carefully examined. It defies easy definition, and many proposals to protect privacy have gone forward without a clear articulation of what privacy really is.

The definition of Privacy are the following;
  • the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others.
  • the condition of being concealed or hidden.
  • Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively.
  • The state of being private; the state of not being seen by others.
  • Privacy may be defined as the claim of individuals, groups or institutions to determine when, how and to what extent information about them is communicated to others.
  • Privacy is your right to control what happens with personal information about you.
For me the privacy is that you don't want to know any body else about you ,you are hidden something. Like your personal life and other matters in your life that you don't want to revealed it.


  1. nakzzz..
    nice gud..
    in ♥love..?


  2. charr....your template are so very cute...but I think your so inlove..!!!tc always,,hehehe
